Friday, December 4, 2009

Who would the Lakers & Pistons rather face in the Conference Finals?

We know the Lakers and the Pistons have already assured themselves a spot in the Conference Finals, and now they have to wait and see who they'll be facing.

So who would the Lakers prefer in the Conference Finals? The Spurs or the Hornets?

Who would Pistons rather play? The Celtics or the Cavs?

Who would the Lakers %26amp; Pistons rather face in the Conference Finals?nba ballers phenom

Lakers will definitely want to go up against NOH than the Spurs. They're a younger and inexperienced team, the Lakers can keep up with their athleticism.

The Pistons are on a watch out spot. This is the time of the year that they crumble and choke. Obviously they'd want the Cavs. No Boobie Gibson to pass to, only Lebron to guard. Last year was an upset..

Last year should be enough for the Pistons to cause enough hate that they won't allow it to happen again.

Also, the Celts are stronger than the Cavs.

Who would the Lakers %26amp; Pistons rather face in the Conference Finals?2006 nba draft ,nba teams

Wow. You chose the rip-off answer? I answered first. He leafed through the prior answers and then answered with those in mind. Can't believe it. "Last year was an upset." Riiight. So original.

Yeah, I'm bitter. But I'm reasonably bitter. Wow. Report It

As a Laker fan, this is a tough one. I don't see how you can prefer one over another because there are so many match-up problems on both teams. If I had to choose I would say Spurs. I realize that they are the defending champions and that they probably have to best trio in basketball. But Chris Paul is playing like the second best player in the league right now. All his weapons are firing, and they run the smoothest offense in the league. Also, they play with a certain energy that is missing from San Antonio. But, if David West is incapacitated, I want the Hornets.

If I were on the Detroit Pistons, nothing would be sweeter than exacting revenge on the Cavaliers for the embarrassment last year. Also, the Boston Celtics are easily the better team, and according to regular season, the best team. Lebron may be a stud, but his team this year is even worse than last year. This choice is much easier than the last because one team is so much better than the other.
these 2 clubs are both very experienced, pistons more than lakers, so i think that they want to see inexperienced teams in the conference finals

the lakers will most likely want to see the hornets, knowing that the spurs have ALOT more experience in this reigion of the playoffs.

the pistons probably want to see the celtics, seeing as the pistons can beat teams on the road and the celtics cant do that(0-6 on road, 7-0 at home) Also, the cavs were here just last year and beat Detroit, so the cavs know what to do, yet the celtics dont, because this team is inexperienced in the pressure moments of the playoffs.
I think the LA Lakers prefer the Hornets. Because they ( NOH) are a young team and never get to the Conf.Finals before. The Lakers is young too, but Kobe, Phil Jackson , Odom and Pau are more experience. The San Antonio are even more experience and this actual team have already won rings. They got rings. So will be more difficult to Lakers if the Spurs get to Conf.Finals.

Now, about the Pistons, the Cavs are a hard!

They beat the Pistons last year. And if this series happen this year again, will be an emotional series by far.

The Celts are the favorites. If they advance today, will be a great series agaisnt the Pistons. Two elite east teams.


If I were the Pistons, I'd rather play the Cavs again.


-Zoo Crew. The Pistons get more production off the bench, and more energy and youth to defend LeBron.

-Experience. Detroit should've thought of a defensive plan against LeBron already. Last year was an upset.

-Celtics are strrrong. At home, at least. Defense against defense? It's a tie. But the Celtics are more potent offensively.

If I were the Lakers, I'd rather play with the Hornets.


-The Hornets can't stop Kobe. Who will guard him? Mo-pete? Peja? No one in New Orleans can do what Bruce Bowen does to Kobe.

-The Hornets can't stop Gasoool. Yeah, Chandler may be able to match up for a while, but Gasol is definitely better.

-The Hornets are newcomers. The last thing the Lakers need are veterans like the Spurs.

So there. Check this site out please. =)
i think that celtics and the pistons would be an amazing series. overall, the celtics would smash the pistons though, easily. they're the yankees of basketball. the dream team man.
Lakers would rather play the Spurs.

Pistons would rather play the Celtics.

I'd like to see the Spurs vs. Cavs in the Championships though.

Pistons -Cavs
lakers hornets and pistons cavilers

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